Monthly Archives: July 2007

Busy, Busy, Busy… ?

Between LOTS of work with Racing Factory, work on Off-Road Euros track and facilities and going to races, painting bodies, there’s really been no spare-time at all during the last few weeks, or months really… :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:

The nights get shorter and shorter for me it seems as there’s always LOTS of thing on the to-do list. Need a few more hours per day… Unfortunatly, there’s almost no time for working on my own cars and testing stuff.

Look forward to the Off-Road Euros though, just 1 week away now!

Then after that I really look forward to a week off, hopefully at the end of August. For once I was really lucky and won something… A one week holiday all paid for in Denmark! Should be good. Denmark, here we come….


Will try to update here on the latest stuff tomorrow…

In the meantime, check out this video.

Very K!